Welcome to Shelby's Blog

Shelby, Vicky, the kids and our whole family want to express our SINCERE gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, concern, support and prayers !! Tremendous strength is being drawn from YOUR love !

We have set up this blog to ensure that you all stay up to date on Shelby's progress, and I'm sure that once he's better, he'll be checking in on here too !

In the meantime, we have included links for you to share these updates with more of Shelby's friends, and we encourage you to please check back often for updates, we promise to keep it as current as we can !!

We've also included a guest book ( just click LEAVE A RESPONSE under the guest book title), which Shelby will read when he's better, so that you can leave him some messages, and you too can share some....Love For Shelby !!!

Lastly, there is also a group page on FACEBOOK....just search LOVE FOR SHELBY in group pages, and you can leave messages, upload a pic of you and Shelby together, share stories, etc. !!!

Know that each of you are loved and appreciated !!!
God bless you !!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Praise God in the highest

I just wanted to pass the word on that I just got permission and approval from the doctor to return to work in full status on Monday March 15, 2010.

Vicky and I went by the office today and spoke with the chief. I asked the chief for his blessing to return to work. As the very caring man he is he asked me a series of questions to make sure that I was ready to return safely.

I feel AWESOME and I am looking forward to getting back in the streets. So if you know some criminals tell them to turn themselves in (LOL), because I will be on the trail of bad guys. Can you imagine over two months of policing built up in a man and ready to come out (whoo hoo makes your head pop off).

On a serious note. I know you all have been praying so hard for me and my family during this time. I know some of you have been praying for the police department and the leaders of the department. I want you all to know with out God my Father and Creature, Jesus my Saviour and Lord, and the Holy Spirit for spiritual daily guidance, and all of your prayers this time of my life would have been so much harder. Everyone that has sent encouraging messages of love, get well cards, phone calls, visits, etc. You all will have a special place in my heart that will never be replaced. I ask for your continued prayers as I go back to work.

Pray that:

My eyes to be opened to what God wants me to see as if I'm looking at things through His eyes.
My ears open to what God tells me to do and that I hear Him clearly.
My heart is open to show the LOVE of God to all.
My arms reach out to those in need and that I am able to keep them safe from harm.
My feet are guided by God and I allow God to show me the path that He has in store for me.
Most of all everything I say and do is all for God and He be given all the PRAISE, HONOR, and GLORY of all that has been done and all that we all have gone through and what we all will go through in the future GOOD or BAD it all belongs to God.

I love you all. Again, thanks for all that you've all done. It's really great to know how loved you really are. So, with that said don't ever miss a chance to tell or show people that you love them.

God Bless you all.
