Welcome to Shelby's Blog

Shelby, Vicky, the kids and our whole family want to express our SINCERE gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, concern, support and prayers !! Tremendous strength is being drawn from YOUR love !

We have set up this blog to ensure that you all stay up to date on Shelby's progress, and I'm sure that once he's better, he'll be checking in on here too !

In the meantime, we have included links for you to share these updates with more of Shelby's friends, and we encourage you to please check back often for updates, we promise to keep it as current as we can !!

We've also included a guest book ( just click LEAVE A RESPONSE under the guest book title), which Shelby will read when he's better, so that you can leave him some messages, and you too can share some....Love For Shelby !!!

Lastly, there is also a group page on FACEBOOK....just search LOVE FOR SHELBY in group pages, and you can leave messages, upload a pic of you and Shelby together, share stories, etc. !!!

Know that each of you are loved and appreciated !!!
God bless you !!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Doctor Visit (round 2)

Shelby's dr. came in that done his surgery before I, Vicky, got to the hospital this morning. He told Shelby a few things....
1- it may be 2-3 days before he can have a drink (water included). His bowels have to start functioning before he can have a drink.
2- if this is lymphoma (which they are talking as if it is-which i am sure they know, they just need confirmation from the pathology report), it will be 5-6 weeks before they can do treatment (he has to have time to heal from surgery-the biopsy).
3- his fevers are probaby coming from the "dead" lymphnodes. the inside of the lymphnodes are "dead" which they have puss on the inside of them, so the dr. inserted a drain tube which he still has in him, draining off the puss/infection from the "dead" lymphnodes.
4- he also told Shelb he cut out a wedge from the mass, so we are awaiting the results of the biopsy, to confirm if it's the lymphnoma or not. it may take up to a week or so for the results of the biopsy.

please just keep praying for all of us! and know that God has a plan and he already knows What's going on and what is going to happen. Thanks for all the prayers, concerns, and love that you all have shown! God Bless, Shelby, Vicky, Kip, Amber, and Chase. :)


  1. Tracy Yarian PlastinaDecember 29, 2009 at 4:31 PM

    Hello Shelby and family. Your 911 family is praying for you all and for Shelby's safe and quick recovery. Shelby, you are one of the most precious people on the planet, and your work is not done yet. Fight like I know you can and get back to us as soon as possible.
    All my love, Tracy

  2. Shelby and family you are all in my prayers and i am here if yall need me no matter what just let me know.

    Love, Jesse Cook

  3. Hey Shelby! Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you and your family. It was so good to see you at Mia's baptism. When you are feeling better, we still need to get that picture of you and Wayne to you. All our love, The Montedonicos

  4. Hey Shelby & Family,all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Shelby, we miss you out here. Hurry up and get better real sooooon!!! If ya'll need anything please let me know.

  5. Hi Shelby and family
    I know that you will win this fight. You are in my prayers and I know one angel that is holding your hands.It was nice seeing you at Mia's baptism,and I felt like a fool walking by you but than again this is chickie....
    Love you

  6. Shelby

    we are all praying for
    Joel and the youth group at xtreme

  7. Vince and Rhonda FarahDecember 29, 2009 at 7:13 PM

    Shelby and Vicki and family,

    You know that yall are in our prayers. If we can do anything for yall just let us know. Vince or I can get it to ya. If the kids need anything have them call me or Vince and we will get it to them. We love yall with all our heart and yall are very special to us.

  8. Shelby you are in our prayers. Again as everyone said..If you or your family needs anything let me know.

  9. Everyone at Heritage Senior Center is thinking about you and your family. Call if we can help you or your family. Susan

  10. Hey my Little Fat Buddy,
    Man you need to get well soon ok..... You still need to come down and fish some more.... swim in the Gulf and just put your feet in the sand....
    hey we are praying for you and the Family and let me know if you need anything and I mean "Anything"

    Taco :0)

  11. Uncle Shelby, we hope and pray that you get well real soon,

    love Karlee, Kate and the rest of the Cunningham family...............

  12. Pull though tough guy. I need you back out here. We are all saying a lots and lots of prayers in the Boehrer house.
    Love ya,
    Boehrer 2118


Please post general WELL WISHES & messages of love for Shelby in his guestbook ! Thank you & God Bless !