Welcome to Shelby's Blog

Shelby, Vicky, the kids and our whole family want to express our SINCERE gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, concern, support and prayers !! Tremendous strength is being drawn from YOUR love !

We have set up this blog to ensure that you all stay up to date on Shelby's progress, and I'm sure that once he's better, he'll be checking in on here too !

In the meantime, we have included links for you to share these updates with more of Shelby's friends, and we encourage you to please check back often for updates, we promise to keep it as current as we can !!

We've also included a guest book ( just click LEAVE A RESPONSE under the guest book title), which Shelby will read when he's better, so that you can leave him some messages, and you too can share some....Love For Shelby !!!

Lastly, there is also a group page on FACEBOOK....just search LOVE FOR SHELBY in group pages, and you can leave messages, upload a pic of you and Shelby together, share stories, etc. !!!

Know that each of you are loved and appreciated !!!
God bless you !!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dr. Visit a.m. on 12.30.2009

This morning when I, Vicky, got to the hospital @ approximately 10:15, the internal medicine dr. was in. He explained to me that the preliminary report said it may be what they are calling a spindal cell soft tissue sarcoma. This is not that final pathology report.

My question was what's the difference in this and the lymphoma as far as was it curable or treatable. He never really answered me, other than the treatment depends on what kind of sarcoma it is, if it is sarcoma. He did say that we might would have to go back in (surgery) and remove all if possible or part of verses if it were lymphoma because the lymphoma might have been okay with chemo. But the bottom line is that we have to wait for the final report from the pathologist.

They may have to send off some slides/screens to emory for better or more intensified research/information. This is not a common type of cancer. The internal medicine doctor is supposed to get with the oncologist and surgeon to see what needs to be done at this point. We are just keeping him comfortable and trying to get him healed from surgery right now! The internal medicine dr. said they may end up sending him to emory where they are more familiar with this, but he would get with the oncologist and see what he thought.

Dr. Reyes came in not long after..... He ask Shelb is he had been up, which he got up for a bit last night (shelb said it was kind of painful - but not to bad). Then the dr. ask if he had ate anything. Shelb said, "I don't want anything to eat, just water to drink." He told Shelb and the nurse he could have clear liquids. Shelb was so happy! They may take the cathedar out today, along with his drain tube. They changed his dressin today...it was awesome. He's got about a 12 inch cut and only about 2 inches of that is closed... they left him open with only 4 x 4's covering it for about an hour. He was afraid to drink anything for a bit,(he's thinking he didn't want to get sick and hurt anything n there! The nurse thought we were afraid of liquids coming out the incisions that were open. Denise had to explain to them, he don't want to get sick and have the incisions opened and nothing holding them together nor covering them, cause the 4 X 4's kept coming off.

Anyway, overall, he's in pretty good spirits about things..ready for the cathedar to come out, ready for liquids, ready for some of the wires or tubes to come out and off. But, other than that He's pretty good.... still got good vitals and good color.
Keep praying and thanks again for all the prayers, thoughts, and love!


  1. Anna Bassett (one of the cousins)December 30, 2009 at 5:04 PM

    That's so great!!!!! I'm glad he finally got water! :-D I'm hoping we may can stop and say hello soon. I am thinking and praying for you guys. Shelby is strong and so is the family :-D God does have a plan and with his strenth we can get through anything. :-D Love you guys! Give Shelby my love <3

  2. Hey Baby taco here:

    I have read everything and if I need to I will come up...... You have my number please call me if you get a chance.....
    Sending Love and Prayers

    Taco :0)

  3. We have the most awesome friends and tehy are all praying for your healing. I am so glad you got some water. Prayers are going all across the midwest all the way to California. We love you baby brother. Remember God is with you always. Lottie

  4. Hi Uncle Shelby and Aunt Vikki,
    I will be down tommorrow to see you!!! I have been following this so i am up to date. I am praying God will lay his hand upon your shoulders And guide you through this with as little pain as possible!! I love You all so much.
    Jenny Rae


Please post general WELL WISHES & messages of love for Shelby in his guestbook ! Thank you & God Bless !