Welcome to Shelby's Blog

Shelby, Vicky, the kids and our whole family want to express our SINCERE gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, concern, support and prayers !! Tremendous strength is being drawn from YOUR love !

We have set up this blog to ensure that you all stay up to date on Shelby's progress, and I'm sure that once he's better, he'll be checking in on here too !

In the meantime, we have included links for you to share these updates with more of Shelby's friends, and we encourage you to please check back often for updates, we promise to keep it as current as we can !!

We've also included a guest book ( just click LEAVE A RESPONSE under the guest book title), which Shelby will read when he's better, so that you can leave him some messages, and you too can share some....Love For Shelby !!!

Lastly, there is also a group page on FACEBOOK....just search LOVE FOR SHELBY in group pages, and you can leave messages, upload a pic of you and Shelby together, share stories, etc. !!!

Know that each of you are loved and appreciated !!!
God bless you !!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well, Shelb is not going to the dr. today. why, you ask? well, we had to make a trip yesterday instead.

The day before yesterday Shelb had a lot of drainage that poured out of his incision. He freaked out, called me, I was doing some errands, and needed me to come home "right now!" I got home and his gauze(that had been pretty much dry, every time we would change it) was covered and some extra gauze that he had opened was covered and a towel that he had layed across his lap had some on it. He was sitting in the recliner and sat up and more poured out between two of the staples. So I called the doctors office and talked to the nurse.

She said she was gonna call the doctor and wanted to know Shelb's temp. It was normal. Later, she called back and said Dr. Burrowes wanted to see Shelb yesterday morning. So we went to the doctor yesterday instead of today.

Yesterday, he removed like 7 or 8 of his staples (he will remove the rest-hopefully- next wednesday. he said he will probably have more fluid that will come out between now and next week. shelb may have a little infection in that fluid build up area, that's why he left spaces between the staples, so it would have a place to drain.

The pain that shelb is having in his lower abdomen area? Well, he will probably have for a bit. It could be a combination of things, such as, gas, from all the cuttin and pullin in surgery, or things settling in that area from surgery. He explained what all he done in there during surgery and it was quite a bit of things. This surgery was more serious than his gastric bypass surgery and that surgery was very serious!

Dr. Burrowes told shelb he has done extremely well bouncing back from his surgeries. So we thank God for his remarkable work!

Keep praying for his recovery!
God Bless,
The Holmes'

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