Welcome to Shelby's Blog

Shelby, Vicky, the kids and our whole family want to express our SINCERE gratitude to each and every one of you for your love, concern, support and prayers !! Tremendous strength is being drawn from YOUR love !

We have set up this blog to ensure that you all stay up to date on Shelby's progress, and I'm sure that once he's better, he'll be checking in on here too !

In the meantime, we have included links for you to share these updates with more of Shelby's friends, and we encourage you to please check back often for updates, we promise to keep it as current as we can !!

We've also included a guest book ( just click LEAVE A RESPONSE under the guest book title), which Shelby will read when he's better, so that you can leave him some messages, and you too can share some....Love For Shelby !!!

Lastly, there is also a group page on FACEBOOK....just search LOVE FOR SHELBY in group pages, and you can leave messages, upload a pic of you and Shelby together, share stories, etc. !!!

Know that each of you are loved and appreciated !!!
God bless you !!!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Happy MLK B'day!

Sorry it's been so long for an update. Everything's been going pretty good. Shelb's in some pain. Yesterday and today he's had some lower abdominal pain (in his pelvic area). He is concerned that it may be infection building back up. We are not sure.

I called the doctor to run it by him. He basically ask a lot of questions and after Shelb answered them, he said to watch for a fever and/or the pain continuously getting worse. So we will watch this for the next day or two. He goes back to the doctor on Thursday, so hopefully he will be okay til then.

Dr. Burrowes said the only way to really check is to do more test. So, if he breaks out with a fever or the pain gets worse, we will go back to AMC and have another CT scan or some other test. He mentioned CT scan. But that's only if he gets worse between now and Thursday.

The praying's not over.......We still need prayers for the recovery period and until Shelb can feel confident with what's going on in this process. We don't want to over react however, we don't want something to be going on and not catch it til it gets to the point that it was before we caught it this time. We will have to keep check over time for other signs of problems. This will always be a concern of ours. We also know that GOD is still in control and we are here for him.

Shelb is at home for those of you that has not read the previous blogs. He does answer his phone, if he's not napping or busy :) !

I will not update the blog everyday unless there are changes and that will be when I slow down long enough to update it.! Thanks once again for your concerns.

Luv Yas,
The Holmes'

1 comment:

  1. Hello to you all! Shelby I am so glad you are out and feeling better. You have been in my thoughts and prayers since Vic called me News Years day. I wish I could have been there for support but just know not a day passed that I did not think of you. As I have said a 1000 times there is not much I miss about GA except the "Holmes Family". Take care of yourself!!

    Love ya
    Penny and your other children **that Vic knows about in NC :)


Please post general WELL WISHES & messages of love for Shelby in his guestbook ! Thank you & God Bless !